A compound sentence is a sentence that has two or more independent clauses that express related ideas. An inorganic compoundcan be considered as a compound that does not contain a carbon-to-hydrogen bond, also called a C-H bond. New chemical bonds form when substances react with one another. Organic compounds are called "organic" because they are associated with living organisms. Like all living cells, they are made of matter. In general, a compound pertains to a material made up of two or more parts. Compound Sentence Examples An element is a pure substance that cannot be broken down into other types of substances. Compounds are chemical substances made up of two or more elements that are chemically bound together in a fixed ratio. pound, ˈkɒmpaʊnd (general) A material made up of two or more parts or elements (biochemistry) A substance consisting of atoms or ions of two or more elements that are chemically bonded together, e.g. Living things are described as organic since they are composed of organic compounds. The organic matter from living things becomes a part of the environment. Learn examples of biology organic with free interactive flashcards. b. However, the protons and neutrons in the nucleus are attracted to each other by a different force, called nuclear force, which is usually stronger than the electromagnetic force repelling the positively charged protons from each other. The compound formed by the elements held by the ionic bond(s) is referred to as an ionic compound. This means that the composition of a compound is always the same. The number of protons in an atom determines the element it represents. Covers the atom, elements, chemical compounds, and mixtures. You need to have a basic understanding of how things work in biology. Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass. Meaning of Xenobiotic Compounds: Xenobiotic compounds are man … c. Describe the relative proportion of atoms in iron oxide. Meaning of Xenobiotic Compounds 2. As you've seen above, many compound sentences are made using coordinating conjunctions. The formula for an ionic compound indicates the ratio of elements in a crystal of that salt. Mixtures and Compounds. Sodium chloride is an example of an ionic compound where the cation Na + and the anion Cl – are held together by an ionic bond. The compound formed by the elements held by the ionic bond(s) is referred to as an ionic compound. A compound is a substance that has two or more chemical elements whose atoms are bonded together. Conversely, an ionic compound that has hydroxide (OH–) or oxide (O2-) is classified as a base. Answer: 1 question An example of an unsaturated compound with a double bond is ___. These compounds can be enormous like Hexane a six-carbon chain {CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3}, heptane {CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3}, octane eight-member carbon … Types of Recalcitrant Xenobiotic Compounds 3. © Biology Online. A chemical substance has a definite composition and the same composition throughout. On an … Compound s formed by ionic bonds are ionic compound s, or salts. SAT Biology Ecological (Biology-E) Test Sample Questions Page-1. Exceptions Few carbon containing chemical compounds like metal cyanides (CN), oxides of carbon (CO2, CO), ...